Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in my Element

I am back in school! I have officially started my M.A. in English yesterday. I am taking a research and bibliography intensive this week from 8am-4:30pm. It is so nice to be with my fellow English majors again. I have really enjoyed the discussion and literature. I really feel like I am back in my element. I know this is the right program for me. :) The only down side is that I am really tired at the end of the day and now have lots of reading and homework.

The other downside is that I am away from the boys. This is the longest I have ever been away from them. My mom is here from KS taking care of them during the day. It is nice to have her here. She has even been doing things like the laundry and changing sheets. She says that the boys have been great. In her words, "These have been some of the most relaxing days I've had in a long time." YEA! I'm glad the boys have been angels. Only three days left! This is a really busy week for us. We have a busy weekend at church this weekend too. Whew! My regular classes start next Tuesday. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're enjoying classes. You've always like to think. :-) Have fun with your mom!


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