Saturday, January 10, 2009

LONG week

Well, I survived my Bibliography and Research intensive. It was actually a really good class and I SO enjoyed being back with my fellow English majors, as weird as we might be. We were able to have some great discussions about literature, language, the duty of a Christian critic, and the qualities of "good" writing.

The class was slightly overwhelming- so much information in one week. We had about 4 hours of lecture in the morning and then did research/ group meetings in the afternoons. I was gone every day from about 8am-4pm. My mom said the boys were angels for her! I am so glad. But as soon as I walked in the door it was "whine, whine," cling, cling, "mama, mama." Which lets me know that I was missed but hard at the end of a long day. It really wasn't as hard as I thought to be away from them. This was the longest time that I had ever been away since they were born. 

It was nice to feel like an intellectual woman for a change instead of just a mommy. Motherhood is rewarding, but it is nice to have a real conversation that doesn't include the words "juice," "all done?" "stinky," or "sit!"

My master's degree is going to be a lot of fun and a LOT of work. I hope I can balance it all without having an emotional breakdown or be stressed out all the time. Say a prayer for me as I start my regular classes this coming week! I am taking TR classes. Tuesdays will be 5:10p-6:25p and 6:30p-9:30p (ug!) and Thursdays will be 5:10p-6:25p. I am taking Classic Greek Literature and Non-Fiction Writing. Should be lots of fun! 

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