Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I was really into resolutions when I was younger, making lists in journals or lavender flowered notebooks of how I was going to improve myself for the year. For the last two years, I have not written any resolutions. Two years ago, my only goal was to graduate from college. DONE. Last year, it was to survive. DONE. I thought I would be  a little more adventurous this year. So here are some of my goals, boring as they may be:

1. Keep up with house work. When you have kids, it is almost impossible to keep the house clean. I am determined (I think...) to tackle the dirt and Cheerio crumbs head on. I even made a daily cleaning schedule of each task I want to do each day. We'll see how that goes...

2. Keep my car clean. One of my other downfalls. We (ok, Aaron) cleaned out the car before we went to WV for Christmas and it is currently free of any Sonic cups, used Kleenexes and all other crap that seems to have an attraction for my car. I really like having my car clutter free so...we will also see how this resolution goes. 

3. Work on my book consistently. I am currently writing a novel and have 40 pages. Doesn't seem like a whole lot but...hey, it is a labor of love. I thought about making goals for myself like, write for an hour a day, or 10 pages a week but I don't want to disappoint myself. So, "consistently" is the best I can do. I am probably more dedicated to this goal than keeping my car or bathroom tub spotless though....

4. Maintain at least a 3.5 GPA. I want to do well in grad school. There is no room for debate in this resolution. 

5. Love myself and love my life! As the keeper of my own happiness, only I can live my life to the fullest. Bring it on, 2009! Let's rock and roll! 


  1. Hey, I'm a blog stalker too! I'm glad you started blog. Good luck on your Resolutions. What's your novel about? Happy New Year.

  2. Hey Jenna! Do you have a blog? Thanks for writing! My novel is a coming of age story in a fantasy-esque setting that asks the questions of how to balance tradition and independence, community and individuality. My main character is Lila- aka Little Miss Muffet. :)

  3. yep, I've got one. I'll send you the link on Facebook (I have to be a bit careful where I put it out). Sounds like a fun novel. I can't wait to read it when you're published and famous!


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