Friday, October 14, 2011

Ugly Owl: Sewing for a Cause

I made an ugly owl today. 

It wasn't supposed to be ugly. It was really my head. But it turned out ugly. Here it is. 
It looks a little like a devil. Maybe it's the horn like ears. Or the slightly scary looking eyes. 
The tail is cute! 
 This owl was my inspiration. It isn't that cute either (hence the one "in my head" was cuter but we all know how that turned out). 
This owl was given to us in the hospital after Micah had his surgery. During our time in the hospital over the past few weeks, we received many toys from the nurses and doctors. When we got this little owl, I realized right away that it was hand made and I thought, "I could make something like that!" ("and probably make something way cuter.")
 But we all know how that turned out
 This owl has a cute tail too.

So, my next owl will be cuter. And I will post a picture of that when it turns out (maybe it will be owl 3 or 4). But I want to sew some owls for our local hospital to give to kids who come in, maybe just for a few hours, or a few days. (I am in the application process with our local hospital to become a volunteer.) We received so much love and care from the nurses and doctors during our recent time in the hospital--and from the nameless person who gave her time to make sweet, soft toys for kids who were scared, bored, and anxious. 
Who knows? Maybe even my ugly owl might make a little child's day better. 

I hope so. 

Like I said, stay posted for hopefully cuter owls (and maybe kitties) in a future post. :) 


  1. aw lol! I think it's cute! Much better than the bear that Eleanor received in the hospital :)

  2. We've gotten 2 of those UGLY bears as mentioned in Olivia's post! Yes...this owl is much much cuter!!! :)


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