Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Micah and Benji!

My babies are four years old! WOW! Where did last four years go? 
(Awkward) Family picture with our big boys
We love our Grandma! 
Aaron's mom stayed with us for almost 2 weeks while we were dealing with Benji's hospitalization and Micah's surgery (see the bandage on his neck? He was doing great when this picture was taken, two days after surgery. He calls his neck "my new neck").
Birthday morning! Muffins with Cool Whip and candles. The boys were singing Happy Birthday to themselves. :) 
Blow out the candle!
Chocolate cake after dinner: 4 candles for each boy!
(I had a nice picture of the cake with the candles lit but unfortunately, my son was grabbing his crotch in that picture so...I decided not to post it...)
YUM! We love chocolate cake!
Who needs a fork?
Birthday Benj! 

Here's a few things about Micah and Benji at four years old:

Favorite Foods:
Benji: Eggs, string cheese
Micah: Anything (not a picky eater, that one). I actually just asked him what is favorite food was and he said "Thomas food." Which leads into our next fun fact.

Favorite Toys:
Both: Thomas the Train, Cars, Planes

Favorite TV shows:
Both: Caillou, Dinosaur Train, SuperWhy! 

Favorite Movies:
Toy Story (Benji does an awesome rendition of the Potato Head outtakes on Toys Story 2. "And a plastic steak! A rubber ducky? And some blue playdoh! Some teeth? Be careful! They chatter! Wooooah!) 
Veggie Tales 
And a host of others (they love to act out their favorite parts of the movies too)

Favorite Colors:
Micah: Green
Benji: (I just asked him and this is his answer) "Spencer. Spencer is a steam engine" That is Benji to a "T"

Micah: 30 lbs
Benji: 27 lbs

Not sure...we need to measure! 
But...short. :) 

Favorite thing to do:
Run around like crazy

Favorite Bedtime songs:
Micah: Create in me a clean heart (Psalm 51)
Benji: Spring Rain (Hosea 6:3)

Favorite Places to go:
Kids Cove
Pet store
Sweet Frog (frozen yogurt)
The Dollar Store

Other things they love:
Kitten the guinea pig
Curious George
Fish and fish tanks

We love you too, little guys! Happy Birthday! We can't believe you are four already!


  1. Happy Birthday little guys!!! So cute! They make me laugh...well your stories make me laugh. I am sure they are a riot!

  2. Happy Birthday, boys!! We are glad to have you as our friends!!


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