Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My new 'do!

I finally got my hair cut! I have been growing it out for over a year (last haircut was July 2008!) I have always wanted to donate my hair so last year, I decided to go for it! I chose "Pantene's Beautiful Lengths" to donate my hair. It is like "Locks of Love." Enjoy the pics! I LOVE my new haircut and I think it will be really easy to maintain!

Before- SO LONG

10 inches!!!

I got BANGS!!! (that is for you Kalina!)
I love it!


  1. Love the new hair! It looks so great. I donated my hair to locks of love our freshman year at Liberty. I would love to do it again, but don't think I could put up with long hair anymore!

  2. Looks great! I got my hair cut like that and love it. Seriously, all I have to do is dry it with a brush and I'm good to go. Hope yours is that easy too!

  3. I really love your hair. It really looks great!! Miss you guys. Love you.

  4. Brittany, your haircut looks great on you!! I don't know who picked out the style, but it sure does become you!


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