Thursday, August 20, 2009


Benji is the sweetest little boy. Here are some adorable things he does that I don't want to forget:

Whenever Benji looks in a mirror, I ask him "Who is that?"
His response? "Brother!" 
So precious! 

He has recently fallen in love with a small elephant figurine. It really isn't a toy--it was brought back from Thailand by our friend Anna. But he loves it and calls it "Eddie!" Eddie has his own plate at dinner. Eddie gets to swim in syrup at breakfast. Eddie goes "ni-night!" Eddie rides with Benji in the car. Eddie is loved. 

Benji LOVES to wrestle! He is a beast! I call him my "little scrappy ram!" He loves to head-butt things, and people. When he is in a wresting mood, nothing phases him, or hurts him. He often tries to wrestle with Micah but Micah gets "hurt" easily (read: annoyed). We have to call Benji off his brother frequently. But other things are fun to wrestle with--Daddy, Goldie, Mommy, the stuffed Elmo chair. Seriously, this kid has some rockin' moves! 


  1. I love hearing about the -isms of the boys! Their little personalities crack me up!

  2. The "brother" thing is so cute! I can't wait till Bailey is fun like your boys.

  3. Aww! Eddie is a lucky elephant!


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