Sunday, March 1, 2015

Meng Menu

Sunday: Ham, oven roasted red potatoes, peas
Monday: Pulled pork sandwiches (crock pot!), chips, apple slices
Tuesday: Flat Iron steak, mashed potatoes, spinach gratin
Wednesday: Chicken pot pie
Thursday: Pan chicken, rice/ gravy, green beans
Friday: Out to eat
Saturday: Pulled pork sandwiches, chips, carrot sticks w/ ranch

I've been winging it lately at the grocery store, mostly because I've been off my usual 2-week-Sunday-Shopping schedule because of all this darn snow we've been having. The bad thing about "winging it" is that becuase I don't plan meals before I go and carefully shop for TWO WEEKS worth of meals, I usually end up spending more money than I want to. Poo poo.

Oh well. Some weeks, or months, are just like that, especially when you get a boatload of snow.

Here's to a March that is free of snow and full of grocery savings!

1 comment:

  1. I've missed these posts from you. I'm making all pinterest meals this week because my husband asked for something different then our "usual"! tomorrow is chinese chicken, then I have two cabbage meals (can't remember)! usually we eat a handmade pizza on thursdays because of bible study :)


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