Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy 3 months, Eli!

Three Months Today!
Elijah Jefferson Meng is THREE MONTHS OLD today! Happy 3 months, baby!
Here he is in all his 7lbs 10 oz glory. We've come a long way since December 23. 
The first month after he was born was very difficult. In fact, Aaron and I kept talking about how his first month reminded us of Micah and Benji's first month. In reality, the twins first month was nothing like their little brother's but the overwhelming, emotional difficulty felt the same. 
Eli had a tongue tie that went undiagnosed for a month. Looking back, it was so frustrating (to use a mild word) because I asked the lactation consultant in the hospital if he was tongue tied, 2 LCs that we saw in the first 2 weeks after his birth, and a pediatrician. They all said NO, he doesn't have a tongue tie. The thing was, he didn't have a traditional tongue tie, but a posterior tongue that was difficult to diagnose. 
But he had all the symptoms, the worst of which were excruciating, toe-curling pain while nursing (which ultimately led to cracked and bleeding nipples), terrible gas pains for Eli, screaming after every feed, wanting to nurse constantly, reflux, and screaming, screaming screaming. 
There was much crying for me and for my poor baby boy.  
Eli was the first baby we bought formula for. I was seriously considering giving up nursing. I felt like a failure every time we gave him a bottle. We supplemented every day for about 2-3 weeks.  Finally, after doing hours and hours of research, I pushed aside all those "No's" and demanded an appointment with an ENT. I KNEW he had a tongue tie. At four weeks, we had the appointment and guess what? He had a posterior tongue tie. 
Mama knows best.
Eli had his tongue clipped (more tears for him and me) on a Thursday and by Monday, nursing was 75% better. It continued to improve even more over the next month. 
No more screaming after nursing. No more massive spit-ups after every feed. No more pain for me. 
It got better
But that first month was ROUGH and LONG. 

But now we are at 3 months and time is flying by. 
Eli is a CHUNK: 15lbs. 
I can't believe it. After having twin preemie babies, I am constantly amazed that I have such a delightfully fat baby.
Eli loves his family, especially Aaron. He loves, loves, loves his Daddy! They "talk" together every night. Aaron has the magic touch that can get Eli to sleep almost every night.
Eli is very vocal and animated. He loves to smile, be tickled, and kissed on his delicious, fat cheeks!
He has an delightful little laugh.
All his brothers adore him. Silas and Eli are beginning to be best buddies. Silas is such a good big brother; he always tries to comfort "E-I" when his baby brother is crying. This morning, when Eli was crying (as I was trying to suck his nose out with that horrible torture device), I heard Silas saying, "E-I! E-I! It's ok!" over the baby monitor. Sweet, sweet brothers.

We love you precious baby! Happy 3 months little guy. We look forward to many more happy days with you in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 3 months!!! I'm sorry you had such a rough first month. Ugh!!! :/ But yay for a happy baby and mommy now ♥


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