Sunday, May 4, 2014

Meng Menu

Sunday: Grilled steak, sour cream and chive mashed potatoes, corn on the cob
Monday: Tacos
Tuesday: Asian chicken thighs, rice, broccoli
Wednesday: BLTs, chips, carrots and celery
Thursday: Grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans
Friday: Out to eat

Saturday: Biscuits and gravy, smoothies

Sunday: Sloppy joes, chips, Green beans
Monday: Pan Chicken, rice w/gravy, green beans
Tuesday:  Grilled chicken thighs, baked beans, broccoli w/ cheese
Wednesday: Hot dogs, chips, carrots and celery
Thursday: Baked fish fillets, pasta w/ sauce, peas
Friday: Out to eat
Saturday: Pancakes, turkey sausage, fruit

I am glad to be done with grocery shopping for the next two weeks. I felt like I was using the cart as a walker today. Eight weeks pregnant and I am SO TIRED. Plus everything smelled really strongly at the store, especially the meat department and the deli (Fried chicken…ug!).

All that being said, I am happy with my final tally this week: $208. YES! 

Chicken thighs were on sale for 87c a pound! And I was also able to get some really nice ribeye steaks on sale too. Looking forward to using our grill more and more now that it is getting warmer. 


  1. oooh your food sounds yummy! We had (are having?) organic tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner!


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