Monday, February 11, 2013

Meng Menu

Sunday: Fried Catfish, cheese grits, garden salad
Monday: Hellman’s chicken, parmesan rice, broccoli
Tuesday: Pizza roll w/ sausage and onions, salad
Thursday: Pork chops, parsnip and potato mash, kale
Friday: Bacon and eggs, hashbrowns, fruit
Saturday: Sloppy Joes, oven fries, green beans

Truth: eating healthy is more expensive. Hence, my grocery bill has been a bit high lately. This week I spent $142. :P Not what I like but if half my grocery cart is fruits and veggies, then it is worth it. 

We have been trying new veggies lately. Two weeks ago we had cauliflower mash. Last week, I made stuffed green peppers (we eat peppers all the time but I had never made stuffed peppers). This week, we are trying parsnips. I actually have never eaten a parsnip before so we'll see how it goes. So far, all of our new veggies dishes have been a big success! 

While Thursday is Valentine's day, Aaron does math tutoring on Thursday nights so we are going out on Sunday night. Yea! Looking forward to a date. :) 

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