Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meet My Daddy: from Twin 4 year old boys

From Micah

What is Daddy’s name? Aaron

How tall is Daddy? Tall as Micah

What is Daddy’s hair like? ME!

How much does he weigh? Heavy to carry

What does Daddy do for fun? Baseball

What does Daddy do at work? Plays with all his friends

What are his favorite things to eat? Pizza!

What makes Daddy the best? Hugs and kisses

What does he like to drink? Soda

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Play with daddy

How old is Daddy? 4 years old

How long have you known Daddy? I don’t know!

Where did you and Daddy meet? At baseball
From Benji

What is Daddy’s name? Aaron

How tall is Daddy? LONG LONG LONG!

What is Daddy’s hair like? Long long! Short short!

How much does he weigh? 28 times

What does Daddy do for fun? Play golf

What does Daddy do at work? At the Steamworks

What are his favorite things to eat? Nuggets

What makes Daddy the best? Daddy is a hero!

What does he like to drink? Soda

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Sleep in my nest

How old is Daddy? I don’t know!

How long have you known Daddy? He likes to sleep with ME!

Where did you and Daddy meet? At dinner!


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