Monday, May 21, 2012

Sweet nest necklace

Google is a wonderful thing. So are craft blogs. And so is pintrest. Using these three tools, I was able to create this sweet nest necklace for my friend Debbie who is expecting her third baby very soon! 
I followed this tutorial but made the nest look a little more rustic than the examples shown in the tutorial. After all, birds' nests are messy and organic (much like motherhood itself, right?). I love the way the nest turned out! And Debbie loved it too!

(the boys loved the nest too and asked me to make them each one. So now we have two nests floating around the house. lol!)


  1. I adore this necklace! It's so meaningful!!! And yes, motherhood is messy and organic! :) Thanks so much Brit!!! I love it!


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