Sunday, April 29, 2012

Meng Menu

Sunday: Grilled Hot dogs, chips, carrot sticks and broccoli florets w/ ranch dressing
Monday: Hellman’s chicken (didn't make this last week), steamed broccoli, yeast rolls
Tuesday: Bacon and eggs, fruit salad
Thursday: Pork loin chops, rice, green beans
Friday: London Broil, baked potatoes, corn
Saturday: Grilled pork loin, roasted potatoes, green beans

I managed to stay low again this week as we are still on a tight budget. Total = $108! YEA! All the meat I bought was on sale. I am using one pound of bacon for 2 meals and the 4 pound pork loin for 2 meals as well. Shopping sales and stretching out meats between two (or more meals) is a good way, I've found, to keep my bill low each week. 

I realize that it may seem strange that I don't include leftovers very often in my dinner menu planning, especially since I am trying to shop on a budget. We do eat leftovers for lunch often (especially me) and in reality, Aaron doesn't really like "leftovers" for dinner. Plus, (the majority of the time), I enjoy cooking so I don't mind cooking every night. Though, I do admit, it is a challenge every week coming up with creative, healthy, balanced meals all while staying under $125.

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