Sunday, April 1, 2012

Meng Menu

Sunday: Fried Rice w/ pork and Asian veggies 
Monday: Chicken Parm bake, salad
Tuesday: Bacon, eggs, fruit salad
Wednesday: Stouffer's lasagna, salad
Thursday: Beef tips, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans
Friday: Frozen pizza
Saturday: Pan Seared Chicken, rice w/ gravy, steamed broccoli

Here is our menu for the week. I went over budget this week: $133. Pooey. Put I do include all our paper products, soaps, and bath products in our budget too so this week I bought dishwasher soap, hand soap, paper towels, a loufa, and deodorant and body wash for Aaron. So $133 isn't bad, I suppose. 

I have been such a blog slacker lately but I've been thinking about some new posts this week so hopefully, I'll get some writing done. :) 

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