Sunday, March 18, 2012

Meng Menu

Sunday: Grilled Pork ribs, baked beans, strawberries
Monday: Chicken parm bake, rolls, salad
Tuesday: Baked Talapia, rice, green beans
Thursday: Stouffers Lasagna, salad
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Out to eat?

Stayed under budget this week at $120. I am actually going out of town from Thursday through Saturday so my MIL is going to be here taking care of my men, so I tried to have some pretty simple meals for those nights, but who knows what they'll end up doing. 

How do you plan meals for busy night or for when you are out of town? 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mommy's having a baby: What goes through a 4 year old's mind

Kids are funny, you know? You never really know how their little minds are turning or what is going to come out of their mouths. Especially when you share some life-alterning news like, "You're going to be a big brother!"

Here's how our 4 year old twins processed the fact that "Mommy is going to have a baby!"

A little background first. The boys, an especially Benji, love looking at their baby photo album. The very first picture is this little (huge?) "beauty": humungo-36 week-twin-pregnant belly. This picture was actually taken right before we went to the hospital to have the boys.

And the boys LOVE this picture. The love the "big belly" and are especially fascinated (and slightly perplexed) by the fact that they were "in the belly." 

I thought they had grasped the fact that babies grow inside of mommy and then they come out, but we were slightly unprepared for the immediate reaction the boys had to the "big news." 

Me: Boys, guess what? You are going to be big brothers! Mommy has a baby in her belly!
Boys: (Silence. Look at each other. Burst into tears). But we don't WANT to go back in the belly!!!

Yes, my sons thought that they were going to have to fit back in my belly and be "born again," shall we say. It took a few minutes for Aaron and I to calm them down and assure them that they would keep growing up to be big boys and there was a NEW baby growing in Mommy's belly. 

Benji, my ever literalist, immediately became concerned again. 

Benji: Mommy! you should not EAT the baby!

Oops! Enter long conversation about how the baby was NOT in my stomach getting digested but actually in a special place called the uterus. 

Whew! Potential mental crisis in the mind of my 4 year old averted. 

Benji was full of comments and questions right after we passed these first hurtles. In fact, it took him almost an hour to eat his dinner because he was so excited and could not stop talking. Here are some little gems he uttered as he processed the "big news":

"We need to get a baby car seat!" (Just like his Daddy, thinking practically immediately)
"We need to get a baby gate--and I will have the key." (Already taking responsibility....? Right?)
"We need to get the baby pants, because it will have legs." (Good logical thought process here)
"We will take our baby to Kids Cove, like other babies." (He loves our local indoor playground)
"Mommy, you can watch movies and I will rub your back." (My heart melted....)

Micah, uncharacteristically, was very quiet during this whole conversation. 

In fact, I think the boys reactions could be summed up in this picture: 

That night when we put the boys to bed, Micah started crying and said, "Mommy, I'm so sad!"

Me: "Why, honey?"
Micah: Because I want to be your baby....
Me: (pang in the heart!)

After lots of hugs and snuggles, and repeated assurance that he would "always be my baby," Micah felt much better. In fact, the next day when I asked him, "Are you going to be a big brother?" he smiled really big and proudly answered, "Yes!"

I can't wait to share more of this big adventure with my two big boys! I'm sure there will be many more funny stories to come.....stay tuned....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meng Menu

Sunday: Grilled chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, corn
Monday: Bierocks, salad
Tuesday: Sloppy joes, green bean casserole
Wednesday: Stouffer's Lasagna, salad
Thursday: Chicken Fajitas
Friday: Broiled chicken breasts, rice, broccoli
Saturday: Leftovers or out to eat

My menu blog post have been sporadic lately--probably because my menu planning has been sporadic as I am still in the throes of pregnancy sickness. Today when I planned my dinners for the week, everything sounded appetizing. I am hoping that the day I make the food, it still sounds good. 

I have been doing pretty well budget wise--staying under or at $125--but I went $10 over this week. Pre-pregnancy, I didn't buy a lot of snacks. Now, I have to load up because eating every 1.5 to 2 hours is the only way for me to feel about 80% normal. So this week I bought yogurt, cheese sticks, goldfish, dried apricots, pudding, individual cups of peaches, granola bars, and rainbow sherbet (my craving last night) and probably a few other things I forgot. Wow! Writing it all down seems like a lot--but I'm sure everything will be gone by next week, especially since the boys are more than willing to help me eat the snacks. 

My first appointment is on Wednesday--maybe I'll ask the doctor for an anti-nausea prescription. This sickness has got to end....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A little bump

So, I've got a little baby bump. 

If my dates are correct, I am 12 weeks today! (Edit: HAHAHA! My dates were way off! I was 7 weeks in this picture. And my sickness was long from gone) My sickness is starting to subside a bit, thank goodness, though it hasn't completely gone away. And fatigue usually hits me hard  around dinner time (if it hasn't knocked me out for a nap earlier). 
My first appointment isn't until March 21 (long story about why it isn't earlier) so I am anxious to see the baby for the first time. 

I really think it's only one, despite all the "well-wishers" who keep teasing me that it might be twins.
Or triplets. 

I think I am going to start charging $5 for everyone who suggests that "there might be TWO (or more!) in there!!!"
If there is, I need to build up a "Brittany will soon be insane" fund. 
Donations welcome. 

"I'm NINE!" The story of a sneaky Benjamin

My friend Michelle babysat the boys on Monday and she had a conversation with the boys where they told her that, yes! they were twins. :)

It was snack time so after deciding on Ritz crackers ("We want Ritz!" in unison), she asked Micah, "How old are you?"

"Four!" he replied.

She carefully counted out one, two, three, four crackers for him.

She then turned to Benji, who was carefully watching this exchange.

"Benji," Michelle asked. "How old are you?"

Benji's little eyes sparkled, his little wheels in his head spinning furiously.


Michelle burst out laughing.

"How old are you?"

"Nine!" Benji squeaked.

And he cracked the a little smile. He knew how this game worked.

And "nine" was probably the biggest number he could think of on the spot.

Sneaky, clever little boy.

(he did not get nine crackers)

So, did you know I have twins, one who is 4 and one who is 9? Yeah, I didn't either.