Monday, January 2, 2012

Meng Menu

Sunday: Frozen Pizza, cesear salad
Monday: Grilled pork loin, rice, green beans
Tuesday: Creamy chicken and rice soup, garlic bread
Wednesday: Salmon, baked potatoes, salad
Thursday: Grilled chicken, baked beans, jello salad
Friday: Breakfast bake, jello salad
Saturday: Garlic parmesan chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans

Holidays are over. Sad. Back to normal, right? There is something nice about getting back to a routine though so here is our menu for the week. 

Grocery shopping was great! I spent $100 at Kroger and today I plan to go to Sams to try and buy some Salmon (there is a great frozen brand that we love). So in all, the total will come to around $110 or so. 

It almost looks like this is a summer menu with all the grilling I have on the lineup. Aaron's willing to do though and I'm a-ok with that! I love grilled meat!

How are you getting back into the routine? Planning a menu? Cleaning? Putting Christmas decorations away? Writing out your family's activities on your 2012 calendar? 

Happy New Year everyone! 

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