Monday, December 12, 2011

Meng Menu

Sunday: Bourbon Street Chicken, rice, broccoli
Monday: Beef Stroganoff, mashed potatoes, green beans
Tuesday: Frozen Pizza, salad
Wednesday: Bacon, eggs, toast, fruit salad
Thursday: White chicken enchiladas, salad
Saturday: Leftovers/Sandwiches

I went a little over on shopping this week:  $129. But that's because I bought our Christmas Turkey! Nineteen pound turkey for ~$15! YEA! So, going $4 over budget was worth it. 

I really enjoy trying out new recipes and have had a blast perusing pintrest for ideas. Last night we tried the Bourbon Street Chicken and it was great! We all loved it. It is a definitely-make-it-again recipe. 

Where do you find inspiration for your weekly menu? I hope that the "Meng Menu" helps give you yummy ideas to help you put food on the table for your family! 

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