Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Three years of pictures: How they grow!

10 months old (2008)
(Sorry, year 2 got skipped for the professional photo shoot)
3 years old (2010)

 4 years old (2011)
 (How I feel often as a mother of 4 year old twin boys)
(not my favorite photo of me--one of those "do I really look like that in real life?" pictures and a "I need to lose about 10 pounds" pictures)
But, for the sake of comparison to photo one, WOW! How they grow! 
And it is the same kid in both pictures on the same side: Micah on R, Benji on L in both pictures!) 

(All Photos taken by Sabrena Carter Deal)


  1. You look amazing Brittany! And your boys are adorable! Thanks for sharing your experiences and adventures!

  2. They are adorable! Cute overload, for real. I love how much they look like little Mengs, but I can totally see you in them too. And I have plenty of those, "I don't look like that!" pictures too. You know those belly shots I've been putting on facebook? I have to take about 10 of each pose to get one decent one that I feel like looks anything like me. What is that about?! Why do the mirror and camera see two different things?!


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