Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meng Meng

Sunday: Roast Beef, smashed red potatoes, broccoli w/ cheese sauce
Monday: Pork loin, roasted potatoes, green beans
Wednesday: Apple Sausage stuffing, cranberry sauce (bringing these two dishes to our small group potluck!)
Thursday: Fajita casserole
Friday: Calzones, salad
Saturday: Leftovers/sandwiches 

I scored on grocery shopping today! I saved FORTY-SIX dollars with my Kroger card--my grand total was $122! I got a jump-start on Thanksgiving shopping today--including my turkey! Kroger had an awesome sale on turkey: I bought my 16 lb turkey for 59c a pound! YES! (woah...overload on !!!)

Plus I bought two bags of Pepperidge Farm stuffing and three cans of cranberry sauce. Almost everything I bought was on sale today! WOOT! 

I have to brag a little bit on Sunday's dinner. I have been notoriously bad at making roast beef. Pretty much every beef roast is dry and gross, no matter how I try to cook it. Well, tonight I made a delicious, tender, juicy, rare roast beef. So exciting! FINALLY: Roast beef victory!!! 

Enjoy your week everyone! Hope this menu helps you out with your meal planning for the week. :) 

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