Saturday, September 17, 2011

Meng Menu + Mexican Fajita Casserole Recipe

Saturday: Hot Dogs, pretzels, jello salad
Sunday: Cheesy Italian chicken and pasta with spinach
Monday: Mexican Fajita casserole (RECIPE!)
Tuesday: Frozen Chicken Alfredo meal (thank you freezer section), salad
Wednesday: Pan seared pork chops, baked potatoes, steamed broccoli w/ garlic butter
Thursday: Soft Tacos, refried beans
Friday: Bierocks, salad (had left over meat from last week!)

I did not stay in budget this week. Pooh. Total was $138. BUT, in my defense, I spent almost $30 in non-food items (deodorant, foundation, trash bags, upholstery cleaner, etc, etc.). So...ya win some, ya lose some. 

I feel like I might have to defend how many times "Hot dogs" are on our menu--lol! Here's why: Aaron really likes hot dogs and so do the boys. I do too (not as in-love as the men in my family though). I feel like I try to "redeem" the hot dogs by buying the Hebrew National reduced fat ones. And they were on sale this week. Score. 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I am always trying to think of something easy and fast  because I am exhausted after work and don't want to cook. This week I have a frozen meal (Stouffer's I think) for Tuesday and then I am going to pre-cook the taco meat and get all the fixin's ready on Wednesday night so dinner will be easy for Thursday night. 

Oh! And the bierocks were a HUGE success! They were so yummy! In fact, I had planned to eat them for two meals last week and we ate so many (lunches) that there weren't enough for dinner. So we ended up eating out on Friday night. No complaints there. :) But I did have leftover meat to make more so I am going to make some more dough and make more for Friday night.

Here is the Recipe for the Mexican Fajita casserole.  I made this a lot when we first got married and we got a little burnt out on it. But I think that it is time to bring this recipe out of retirement. (do you have recipes like that? Used to be a favorite and you made it so much that it got boring? I'm excited to make this one again! It's a winner.)

Mexican Fajita Casserole 


2 Cups cooked rice
1-2 TBS olive oil
1 red pepper, cut into short strips
1 green pepper, ditto above
1 small red onion, ditto
minced garlic to taste (I love me some garlic)
Salt and pepper
Chili powder, to taste
Cumin, to taste
2 medium chicken breasts, cut into cubes
Cream of Mushroom soup
1/4 cup milk 
2 cups Cheddar or Mexican blend cheese 

Make it:

Heat olive oil in large skillet. Add peppers and onions and saute until tender-crisp. Add garlic. Salt and pepper to taste. Remove from skillet and keep warm. 

Add a bit more olive oil to skillet. Add cubed chicken and salt and pepper to taste. Add chili power and cumin to taste. Add any other herbs that you think will taste delish in this dish (a little oregano? hot red pepper flakes? Go for it!) Brown chicken on all sides, about 5 minutes (you don't want to cook it too much because the casserole is going into the oven). 

Add peppers and onions back into skillet. Add Mushroom soup and milk. Cook until bubbly and then remove from heat. 

Assemble it:

In a two quart casserole dish, layer rice, chicken mixture, cheese. Repeat and end with cheese on top. Bake in a 375 oven for 25 minutes or until cheese is melted and slightly browned on top. 

Cool slightly and serve! 

This makes a ton of food. It will easily serve 6-8 hungry adults and it is really good left over. 



  1. Woe woe woah! Backtrack to Saturday please, and enlighten me about what constitutes a "Jello Salad". Can't say I've heard of that one before - and it certainly intrigues me.

  2. haha! It really isn't as special as it sounds. I'm sure you've eaten it. I simply use one small box of jello (strawberry is my fav) and mix it with one cup of hot water. Then open 2-3 cans of your favorite fruit (I like to use a fruit cocktail, peaches, mandarin oranges, etc. Fresh or frozen is great too!) and drain the juice into a measuring cup (I use the kind of fruit that is canned in 100% juice). Measure 1 cup of juice and pour it into the jello mixture. Add jello to a glass casserole dish and add fruit. Stir and refrigerate until set. Easy and yummy!


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