Monday, August 15, 2011

Meng Menu

Saturday: Broiled Flank Steak, loaded smashed potatoes, salad
Sunday: Whatever
Monday: Chicken tacos
Tuesday: Fried Rice w/ pork and asian veggies
Wednesday: BLTs, pretzels, applesauce
Thursday: Italian baked chicken, pasta dish, green beans
Friday: Baked Chicken Tenders, baked fries, jello salad

Grocery shopping success this week! Can you tell that chicken was on sale? :) I spent $109 on food. YES! (I also went to Walmart to buy some school supplies for the boys as they start preschool NEXT WEEK and I also bought some stuff for the Kidz Kraze community yard sale so I am "over" budget concerning all those items. But as far as food goes, UNDER! YEA!!)

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