Sunday, May 15, 2011

Graduation Celebration!

Yesterday I celebrated my MA in English. Liberty doesn't host a December graduation (when I actually graduated) so I walked in the May graduation. It was a wonderful day!
 On Friday I received surprise flowers from my siblings and parents!
 My parents came in from KS on Friday night to come to the ceremony on Saturday morning
 My supportive husband, Aaron
 My wonderful best friend, Candace
 Mrs. Towles, my boss while I was a GSA and a wonderful support to me while I was getting my degree 
The squirrly kiddos on graduation morning. No, we did not take them to the ceremony. But we all had fun wearing the mortar board that morning. :)

I am so happy I got my MA. It really has defined my life, given me direction, confidence and purpose. The day I finished my degree I blogged about it here. I literally cried tears of joy. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done--but also one of the most fulfilling and satisfying. The ceremony yesterday was simply the icing on the cake. 

1 comment:

  1. Cograts Brit! I really wish we all could have been there but unfortunately KU decided they need to actually test my knowledge with finals. Unnecessary if you ask me... But congrats again! I'm really proud of you :)


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