Friday, May 6, 2011

Family Fun: Tubing!

This past Saturday we decided to devote some time to having fun as a family--something we don't do enough! After dinner we took the boys up to Liberty Mountain (on the campus of Liberty University) to SnowFlex--the only year-round ski slope in the USA! The ski slope is made up of plastic bristles--people always say it reminds them of a giant toothbrush--that is made slick by an underground misting system. The result? You can ski, snowboard or go tubing year round! 

The had a special on Saturday where everyone could tube for $1 all day! WOOT! 
 After riding up the moving sidewalk with the tubes, we sat in a line and waited for our turn to go. The boys were SO excited--and delighting everyone around us with their exuberance. 
 Each person had to ride in their own tube but we were able to tether them together. Aaron and I each took one twin down the first two times. 
 Benji: Having a blast! 
It started off slow but got REALLY fast by the end. We even caught some air!
Micah: WOO HOO!!
The 3rd time we went, we hooked all four tubes together. It was amazingly fast and hilarious! So much fun! We will definitely be doing this again!

After tubing we got ice cream at Sonic and then watched a baseball game going on at LU while we ate our sweet treats. It was getting pretty chilly by this time of night (8:30ish)--plus we were wet from the tubing AND eating ice cream--so we didn't stay for long. Overall, we had an awesome family fun night.

Note to self: do this more often!! 

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