Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Best Medicine?

These past few weeks have can I say this delicately....hell?

I have been beyond stressed out and taking my stress out on my family. One of my students even said after class today, "Mrs. Meng, you look so stressed out! You have, like, an aura of stress around you." Thank you, dear student. (I think he was trying to be nice)

With all the stress, especially today, I told Aaron that I have felt like the worst version of myself, to which he replied, "And yet you're still lovable."

And there is my heart, in a little puddle.

I thought the moment was going to get even sweeter when Aaron asked the boys, "Boys, do you love Mommy?"

Micah: YES!
Benji: No....

Insert belly laugh here. And do you know what? Laughter, as well as "I love you's" is good for the stressed-out soul.

PS. Finished writing my introduction tonight. All that is left is revisions. Defense in 5 days...

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