Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Twin Differences

People ask me a lot "Do the boys have completely different personalities?" The answer is, Um YES! I guess people think that twins will have the same personality (?) or since they are identical that they will be the same (?). Who knows. But Micah and Benji are each their own little person with unique personality quirks.

Take this morning for instance.

I took the boys to school and when they got there, all the kids were playing with small, multi-colored plastic dinosaurs. Of course, the boys couldn't wait to join in the fun.

Micah promptly gathered a  large menagerie of dinos of a variety of colors and lined them up perfectly strait in front of him. "Look, Mommy!" he said.

Benji had a meat eater in one hand and a plant eater in the other. "Rawr!" He roared. "I bite your head!" And then he acted out his commentary with his dinosaurs.

Oh, boys! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Micah organizes the dinosaurs. Benji relates to the dinosaurs.


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