Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Baby Clothes

A friend of mine is adopting a new baby soon--her birth mother is still pregnant and the baby could arrive any day; in fact, the baby could be premature. She asked me if I had any preemie clothes that I would be willing to give her. I said YES! Of course!

And my heart sunk a little. Not because I'm not thrilled for her or that I don't want to give my clothes away. It is just hard to part with such itty-bitty sweet baby outfits that my itty-bitty-barely-four-pound twins wore when they came home from the hospital. I actually have been hoarding their preemie clothes in a big plastic bag in my basement, keeping them all to myself for....Um...I don't know.

There are no babies in my immediate future and God willing, we will not have another preemie.

So I said, YES! Of Course!

I can't hang on the them forever. They are just SITTING in my basement. That is silly. And a little selfish. Especially when this new little baby could use them.

So I dug them out of the basement tonight and sorted through them. The look brand new--after all, babies grow so fast and don't really "do" anything to wear the clothes out. And they were so tiny and cute.

What happened? how did my babies get so big? It is amazing.

Aaron watched me sort though the clothes and asked me if it was hard to let them go. I said yes--with a lump in my throat. The clothes are attached to so many memories. But like I said, I don't need them anymore and the right thing to do is let them go, especially if someone else can use them.

I did keep a few outfits for myself--I just had to.

My babies are not babies anymore. It is sad. But it is happy too. They are healthy and growing, loving and wonderful. They are able to talk to me, hug me, kiss me, and say "I love you Mommy!" They had a blast when we went putt-putting and go-cart riding for the first time on Saturday. Only little boys can do things like that. So growing up is good.

But just like the clothes, it is hard to let the baby stage go.

(Compare this to the picture on my heading...)


  1. Don't let them go. And, you really don't. Today I was just checking out the new WalMart waiting on Becky for the one class she has on Tuesday. There was a mom with two little boys in the "muscle" cart as I call the one with room for two. One was the older brother, and after chatting with them, I turned away with tears in my eyes. Andy (you have met) just turned 28. My 21 year old will be collecting Social Security and Disability with in the year. There is a pic of Andy standing behind Kevin in his wheelchair, Mothers' Day weekend and Kevin is the one who looks much older.Tired, gaunt after the trip from Richmond and the activities of Andy's commissioning ceremony. I walked away from the two little boys remembering two who could love one another, fight with one another, be fiercely protective of their baby sister, and grow up to be the human beings that saw the need to do a job and did it.
    We have such hopes and dreams for our children. We try to raise them right and do the best we can to give them the tools they need to make it in this world. To have a better life then we may have had. In the end they teach us far more than we taught them. They become the men we never dreamed they could be.
    So if you cling to the tiny clothes, the smells, and the memories, that is not wrong, that is really what we do best as mommies, we cling to those memories that leave as awe struck when they are grown.

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    Preemie baby clothing


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