Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Prayer

Micah prayed his first prayer tonight. It was so cute and I'll admit, I got a little teary.

We asked him if he wanted to pray at dinner. This is how it went.

Me: Micah, do you want to pray?
Micah: Yep!
Me: Go ahead. (I close my eyes)
Me: (I open my eyes)
Micah: (Looks at me askance)
Me: Go ahead. Can you pray?
Micah: Yep!
Me: Ok. Let's pray.
(All close eyes and fold hands)
Micah: God mumble mumble mumble Jesus mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble
Me: (I open my eyes and look at Micah. He has opened his eyes and is looking at me--and smiling) Amen?
Benji: (very loud) YEA!!!!

Precious, Precious, Precious. Sniff, sniff. :)


  1. He obviously has the most important parts down.

    Dr. Prior

  2. SO SWEET!!! : )



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