Sunday, June 6, 2010

Coffee Date Dress

I made a new dress! Seriously, I have an addiction. I really love sewing right now and I really love clothes SO...the more dresses the merrier!

I found this FREE pattern online! Yes, FREE! You can't beat that! It is called the Coffee Date Dress. I printed off the pattern, taped all the pieces together and then cut out the pattern.

I actually revamped a botched twofer dress that was just NOT coming together. I made the top out of a men's button down short sleeve shirt. Then I altered the skirt pattern to work with the one I had already made. The whole dress came together really quickly. I made it over 2 days and wore it to church on Sunday.

The hardest part was installing the invisible zipper. GAH! I kept messing up. It really wasn't THAT hard to instal if I hadn't have sewn it in backwards, then once with the dress twisted (don't ask me how I accomplished THAT one), sewn over the zipper teeth, and who knows what else. I spent a lot of "quality" time with my ripper and reminding myself that I don't use foul language--and that this WAS the first zipper I installed. I'm sure the next one will take 15 minutes--instead of 2.5 hours.

If you want the pattern, click here Just scroll down a bit. This pattern is courtesy of The Selfish Seamstress.

If you want a good tutorial on how to install an invisible zipper, click here

Enjoy the pics!!!


  1. I LOVE this one! Especially that fun ruffle! Very cute!

  2. Too cute, you make the most darling and awesome clothes Brittany!

  3. This dress is very cute! I am impressed! I have one question for you though...I see all this cute stuff on your blog that you've sewn, but how in the world do you find the time? Or more importantly, how do you get it done without two little "helpers" trying to help you? It takes me forever to get stuff sewn because I can only do it on their naps and that's when I don't have a big mess from my little helpers to pick up from earlier in the day! :)

  4. Christina, I only make things that can be sewn really quickly. I like instant gratification. :D This dress took me 2.5 days (meaning I worked on it over a period of 2.5 days). That is actually a "long" project for me. LOL I sew during the boys' nap and/or after they go to bed. I started this dress on a night that Aaron had a late softball game so I had about 3 uninterrupted hours of sewing. I do some housework when the boys are awake but, like you, I do most of it when they are asleep. Sewing is important to me so I carve out time (probably TOO much time, actually) to do it. Though...speaking of housework, I have some vacuuming to do....


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