Friday, October 23, 2009

Buttercup Bags

So, I have been complaining about having NO FREE TIME! WOE IS ME! I am actually a lier. I have carved out a little free time to do some sewing. I call it my Sanity Sewing Break. I found this adorable little bag pattern on Arin Rollins sewing blog. Her blog led me Made by Rae. Here I am, giving you the links, dear reader. But most of you who read this blog are related to me. Here is my warning: DO NOT GO TO THESE LINKS, PRINT THE PATTERN AND MAKE YOUR OWN BUTTERCUP BAG (at least not until after Christmas, wink wink!)

Anyways, I LOVE sewing these bags! They are super fun and quick! I had the great idea (if I do say so myself!) of trying to sew the bags out of recycled material, aka old clothes from Goodwill! So far, I have sewed several bags out of curtains, pants, and two ladies blazers! They have turned out amazing! I have even sold two purses! YEA! If YOU, dear reader, are NOT related to me, and would like to buy a bag, I have some for sale. Here is the break down of prices:

Small: (date night bag or purse for a little girl) $15
Medium: $17.50
Large: (this is a great purse size. I am toting one around myself these days!) $20
If you provide your own material, I can make any size bag for $12

Here are some pics. Enjoy! 

This purse is made out of curtains! I made one for myself and for a friend of mine. I still have tons of material left if you like this look!

I love this combo! My sis in law as already claimed this purse...sorry...

My "upcycling" process: Before...

AFTER! This purse went to my BFF Candace for her birthday

My very first Buttercup bag! This is a Small. 


  1. Ok, I am about to make a confession. Or 2. 1)I'm one of those blog stalkers, so I'm glad you started posting again because I was missing reading your blog.
    2) I started sewing this bags to because they are really cute and will make great gifts. Sometimes cute material is hard to come by, so when you started the whole recycling clothes thing, I had an ah-ha moment. Not that we have good will here, but I cleaned out my closet and came up with a lot of stuff I can use. Anyway, how much bigger is your bigger bag? I want to make mine bigger, but my dimensions are all off. Thanks for answers, keep blogging! ~Jenna N

  2. Yay! I love these! I especially love the material from the yellow jacket, but I think that jacket was adorable as it was so it's bittersweet. But mostly sweet 'cause the bag is adorable!!!

  3. @Jenna, I am so glad you read my blog! I am NOT speaking into a void! YEA!! :) I'll try to be more faithful in writing, dear reader. Don't you love sewing the Buttercup bags? I went ahead and bought her pattern online. You get a "medium" bag pattern (just slightly larger than the small) and the big bag pattern. The Big one is about twice as large as the small. I think it is a great, every day purse size. The pattern was only $10 and I thought it was worth it. Plus it is an instant download (if your internet is cooperating, that is. :) I'm glad you can "use" the recycled clothes idea! I am itching to go back to Goodwill to see what new treasures I can find!

    @ Brittany- The jacket was really big and pretty boxy. I have had several laments that I cut it up because it was so cute but really, it looked like it had been given to Goodwill by a 64 year old lady from Georgia. Maybe that is mean....but the purse turned out adorably! I have had several people tell me that that one was their favorite. I'll try to find a new jacket that will be just as adorable as a purse. BTW, Brit, if I post a pic of a purse that you like, just tell me. Angela already claimed her bag....


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