Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Micah has is own quirky personality! Here are some of the adorable things he has been doing lately to let his little personality shine:

Loves to where shoes- all the time! He will come up to me and say "Shoes? Shoes?" (Not to confused with "juice" or any other word that Mommy tries to guess...) He wants to wear shoes as soon as he gets up in the morning, when he gets up from his nap, and asks to wear them to bed at night. And not just any shoes. He has to wear one puppy shoe and one turtle shoe. He is very adamant on this point. I lost one of the turtle shoes a long time ago. Then I lost of of the puppy shoes. So, for a while there was no choice but to wear both. But, I found the other puppy shoe a few days ago and put them both on Micah and put the turtle on on Benji. Well, Micah would not have it! He fussed and whinned and pointed and "pleased" until I asked him, "Do you want the turtle?" to which he replied with an enthusiastic "YEAH!" So I switched the shoes and he was a happy camper. 

He has also gotten opinionated about what he wears. His current favorite thing to wear is short-alls. Too cute! 

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