Sunday, May 24, 2009

Done with school!

I realized I needed to post an update on school! I AM DONE! My survived my first semester of full time grad school. YEA! And I got a 4.0. SUPER YEA! It was a lot of hard work but I learned a LOT and had a great time. Grad school is a lot more challenging than undergrad. I was really stretched.

I relished the time I spent in class each week. I felt like a woman, an intelligent human being, whose only objective was to learn and better herself. It was very nice to think about myself for a few hours every week instead of taking care of everyone else.

I told Aaron I still wanted to go out for a couple of hours every week by myself, to get away, be by myself, and read or write. School has been out for 3+ weeks and I've gone out once. is hard to carve out time when you are a busy mom. 

Looking forward to a break this summer but I am excited about next semester too. I am taking Seminar in Jane Austin, Victorian Lit, and Christian Poetics. :) :) :) 

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