Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

Ok, I am totally a blog stalker. I stalk tons of people's blogs and am obsessive about checking them. Since I like other people's blogs so much I thought, hey, it's time to start my own. 

So, WELCOME to the Meng Family blog! Otherwise known as BAM! BAM works on all levels for our family--Brittany Arpke Meng; Brittany (and) Aaron Meng; Benjamin And Micah. 

Enjoy reading about all our family episodes and funny things our boys do and say. And post comments! So I can stalk my blog as much as I stalk other peoples! :) 


  1. I'm totally going to be blog stalking you now!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world!!! I love to read other people's blogs and blog myself. I like getting everything written down. Plus since I've documented everything there's this company online that will print your blog in to a book so you can have it forever in print. Can't wait to read about your lives! :)


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